Kership, a joint venture between Naval Group and Piriou, is in charge of the production of the twelve vessels which are assembled in Concarneau. They will be armed afloat by Piriou. Naval Group, as overall architect and prime contractor, is responsible for the design of the ships, the overall integration, and the testing and commissioning of the mission system (combat system and mine countermeasures system).
Thanks to the great work by our new French partner Themys, SkyDec military navigation equipment is selected for integration on board of the upcoming MCMV class vessels, to be operated by the Royal Dutch Navy and the Belgian Navy.
SkyDec is renowned for our highly robust navigation solutions, that include for example M-Code Military GPS. Exactly what is needed on this next-generation MCMV class vessels.
The new vessels will replace the existing Tripartite class minehunters, and are suitable for a range of missions: naval mine identification and destruction of course, but also for surveillance, anti-piracy and interception missions for example.
The design is next-generation, the vessels will be equipped with all kind of modern means for mine counter measures that include unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).
This new generation vessel has an overall length of almost 82 m, a beam of 17 m, and a displacement of 20800 t. We are very happy and proud to be part of this prestigious program, that brings us back on board again on our own countries Navy.