SkyDec, in cooperation with TNO, won the Dutch Defence Innovation Game 2017. During Purple Nectar, three remaining competitors were judged by a board of representatives from Industry, Defence and Science sectors. MUCS (Military Underwater Combat Smartphone) was considered excelling on all points.
MUCS increases safety, efficiency and success rate of divers during covert special operation. Supported by the Dutch Defence Organization, we will further develop MUCS into a working concept in 2018.
At the NIDV symposium (Rotterdam AHOY, 30 November) MUCS was presented again during the Defence Innovation Game Winner’s speech, for a bigger and international audience. At that same event, SkyDec, TNO and the Netherlands Defence Organization brought out a toast on the cooperation for the development of an underwater combat communication and navigation system for the Special Forces (MUCS).
Tijdens de oefening Purple Nectar wordt er een innovatie prijs weggegeven aan een van drie teams. De teams moeten een pitch doen van maximaal tien minuten. De winnaar krijgt tweehonderdduizend euro om het project op te starten.