Support to the Royal UK Navy

Support to the Royal UK Navy

For a recent call for support an out of the box approach was needed. Instead of being challenged by logistic delays caused by Brexit, we decided to team up with Drumgrange rather than having a CRPA unit sent back and forth for service.

In short time, we trained Drumgrange engineers and monitored their service tasks from remote. Doing so, the Royal UK Navy could have the unit back in operation just in time.

We have got very kind feedback from UK MoD/DE&S:

The situation has now significantly improved and you have been instrumental in this, owing to your outstanding engineering and testing expertise in this area.

I wanted to reach out and thank you personally, as without your recent support, we would not be in the position we are in now where we have been able to overcome obstacles.

As it takes two to tango: thank you Drumgrange, for the open mind and smooth cooperation!


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