
SkyDec at exposition Recht Door Zee.

About a year ago, SkyDec was asked to participate in the exposition Recht Door Zee, in Mercator Museum in Sint-Niklaas Belgium. An exposition highlighting the developments in navigating at sea, from the years 1500 until now.

Subtitle of this exposition is

There was a time when sailing the seas was the most adventurous thing one could do: the renaissance equivalent of being an astronaut.

Of course we could see the direct link with our business, but taking part in the upcoming Belgium/Dutch MCMV program introduced another very welcome connection, as the Belgium Navy is also one of the exposition partners.

During the opening, one of the speakers was Rear Admiral of the Belgium Navy, Mr. De Beurme, and he started his speech by saying that being aware of position and time are key values to start any travel . Very true words, underlining the need for robust navigation equipment like we have in our portfolio.

We are proud an honored to be part of this unique exposition. Please see for more information. It’s worth a visit for sure!

Rear Admiral De Beurme at SkyDec stand.

SkyDec at exposition Recht Door Zee. Read More »

Danish Navy enhances operational preparedness

During a recent software update to incorporate newly requested features into our Military GPS systems, the Danish Navy decided to start ordering of extra spare sets for their fleet. The SkyDec systems are recognized and appreciated for their great reliability and robustness, nevertheless, Danish Navy prefers to be ahead of any future threat.

With this new spares pool, Danish Navy leads by example to even better secure high-risk operations. SkyDec is proud to bring support!

Danish Navy enhances operational preparedness Read More »

SkyDec on board Qatar Navy CTS

Anadolu Shipyards (ADIK) has started sea trials of the second Cadet Training Ship for the Qatar Navy. The first CTS was delivered to the QENF in August 2021.

Thanks to great efforts of our Turkish local partner Elektro Deniz, SkyDec was selected by the shipyard to supply Military GPS equipment. We are proud to be on board.

CTS ships are an Offshore Patrol Vessel design, about 90 meters long and 14 meters wide, with 2.150 tons displacement. They are outfitted to host a total of 150 people, about half of them students and trainers. Besides the trainings missions, the secondary role is patrol mission capability.


SkyDec on board Qatar Navy CTS Read More »

Second System Completes RCN’s JSS Delivery

Contracted by OSI Maritime Systems, SkyDec 06SERIES was selected to fulfil the requirement for Military GPS on board of the Royal Canadian Navy’s new Joint Support Ships.

With a length of almost 174 meters and a breadth of 24 meters, the JSS is the largest naval ship by length ever been built in Canada.

The two Protecteur class vessels will replace RCN’s Auxiliary Oiler Replenishment vessels. The new ships provide replenishment and support to (defense) operations at sea.

We are proud to be on board!

Second System Completes RCN’s JSS Delivery Read More »

SkyDec supports long term evaluation by SNMCMG-1

Thanks to cooperation with our Polish partner Thesta, SkyDec Military Navigation equipment has been selected to take part in a long term evaluation during upcoming activities of the Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group 1 under Polish Navy command..

The SkyDec equipment will be installed on board FGS Elbe, in the mobile command center, as reliable source of Position, Navigation and Timing information.

Reason for this evaluation is to designate suitable equipment for future retro-fit programs.

We are most happy to bring in our robust PNT source!

SkyDec supports long term evaluation by SNMCMG-1 Read More »

Successful LAN interface with OSI NavTac DDU

For the Polish Kormoran MCM program, we work closely together with our Polish partner Thesta. As part of integration of our 06SERIES MIL GPS host system, this would be the first time to interface with an OSI Integrated Navigation and Tactical System over LAN.

As for any first time, this was the moment of truth. From the integration start, it became clear that Thesta had made a very good preparation. Guided by SkyDec’s remote support, Thesta engineers completed the integration successfully.

We keep on improving and developing our systems. One of the next calls on our roadmap is to add an IEE1588 interface. Such an interface provides high precision timing to various timing platforms. To be continued…

Successful LAN interface with OSI NavTac DDU Read More »

SkyDec at Balt Military Expo

Thanks to our Polish agent THESTA, SkyDec will be virtually present at the upcoming BALT MILITARY EXPO 2021 fair. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, this year’s edition of the fair will be held ONLINE.

Registration at the fair as a visitor is free at the link:

In the pass selection window, please select VISITOR PASS and register on the fair platform.
Instructions on how to register and how to use the platform can be found at the link:

Fair opening hours:
• April 20, 2021 (Tuesday) 10.00-17.00
• April 21, 2021 (Wednesday) 10.00-17.00
• April 22, 2021 (Thursday) 10.00-15.00

We cordially invite you to our virtual stand.

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Support to the Royal UK Navy

For a recent call for support an out of the box approach was needed. Instead of being challenged by logistic delays caused by Brexit, we decided to team up with Drumgrange rather than having a CRPA unit sent back and forth for service.

In short time, we trained Drumgrange engineers and monitored their service tasks from remote. Doing so, the Royal UK Navy could have the unit back in operation just in time.

We have got very kind feedback from UK MoD/DE&S:

The situation has now significantly improved and you have been instrumental in this, owing to your outstanding engineering and testing expertise in this area.

I wanted to reach out and thank you personally, as without your recent support, we would not be in the position we are in now where we have been able to overcome obstacles.

As it takes two to tango: thank you Drumgrange, for the open mind and smooth cooperation!

Support to the Royal UK Navy Read More »

SkyDec member of GEODE

SkyDec is proud to be selected as one of the subcontractors in the European funded GEODE program. GEODE will establish the framework for developing the Galileo PRS military user segment.

The setting up of this framework starts today already with the involvement of 30 companies and organisations from 14 EU Member States: Belgium, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and Romania. This is one of the most ambitious Defence cooperation projects launched under the umbrella of the European Defence Industrial Development Programme (EDIDP) of the European Commission.

GEODE is the biggest Galileo application development project ever launched.

SkyDec member of GEODE Read More »

Thesta, our Polish representation

For our representation in the Polish region, SkyDec started a cooperation with the company Thesta since 2018 . Thesta is a company targeting at the demanding defense market, managed by people with a rich experience in the maritime (offshore and naval) sector. After the three years, we can now confirm that this cooperation turned out to be very fruitful.

Thanks to their hard work and extensive network, we find ourselves at a high level position in the Polish region. Together we supplied and integrated our Military navigation equipment for several naval programs. We are looking forward to further explore this fruitful cooperation.

Thesta, our Polish representation Read More »

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